Monday 15 June 2009

FX today...

The UK is starting to have that stream of positive data which has been predicted for a while now.....

The UK economy is starting to stabilise with growth expected next year at a predicted level of 0.7% according to the CBI. Even though this might not seem much it's a massive improvement on the recent doom and gloom which we have been engulfed by over the past few months. The UK has received another boost after it was said to be in the best position economically compared to its European counterparts according to leading economist Paul Krugman.

This positivity has started to flood into the currency markets with Sterling making gains across the board. However, the most important thing abouts these rises is that they have been sustained! GBP/EUR is 1.1801 and rising and GBP/USD is gaining more ground at 1.6375+

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