Monday, 10 August 2009

Regular Payments explained...

For the people who don't have large payments to make overseas anymore but still need to make regular transfers for mortgage payments etc. there is an easy solution. A Regular Overseas Payment Scheme (ROPS) can be put in place so bills are paid without having to worry over the transfer of money.

The main aim of a ROPS contract is to save both time and money for our clients. Once a standing order has been set up people can forget about it and relax in the knowledge that they will still be getting a better rate of exchange!

The contracts can be set up on either a 6 or 12 month term and are paid out either monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly on the 6th of each chosen month. The money is due with us by the 5th and the size of transfer can range from £250 to £3,000 depending on what bills have to be paid. There are two options with the contract as you can either fix a rate of exchange at the start or leave it on a variable scheme. The variable means that you achieve the rate as it stands on the 6th of each month. The only fee we do require is an advance of £5 for each transfer you expect to make to go along with the first payment, this just covers the cost to send the money out each month.

I hope this helps answer any questions on the Regular Payments scheme we run, if not get in touch on ++44(0)1296 339811 or drop me an email;

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